Handcrafted Film and Television

From giant screen and TV scripts, to the full production of news features on subjects as varied as mud-walking, the melting ice of Greenland and minorities in Europe, to award-winning feature documentaries, we have covered many facets of the world and of the human spirit. Our work is done with care, engagement, and authenticity. We’re proud of our awards in many media, but we are most proud when we can tell a story that moves people to feel empathy for one another and for the other lives with whom we share the planet.
Family and community
The Mountainside Films team is built on a family that gets along well at home and in the field. We have formal backgrounds in journalism, music technology, computer programming, economics, history and education.
Working as a family is fun and can help the budget, but working in one of the most collaborative enterprises of the creative world — film and television — requires either massive corporate infrastructure or an excellent community of talent.
Luckily we can avoid the costs and headaches of big infrastructure, because we have immediate access to a terrific film community. From the studios of Vancouver to the many capable individuals in Victoria, to the vast reservoir of filmmaking abilities across Canada, this community is deep, able, willing, knowledgeable, fully equipped for the work, and wonderfully diverse.
Our business and our passions are in nonfiction narrative storytelling. Evidence from history and recent academic study proves that humans absorb knowledge best through stories. Lecture-style structures used in some documentaries are great for formal instruction, but on the screen the best way to transmit knowledge is through storytelling.
The awards we have won and the goals we pursue are all driven by our efforts to describe scientific and social knowledge honestly through the lens of compelling stories.
“Gossamer lyricism . . . quiet dignity and gorgeous images.”
–Andy Webster, The New York Times
“An amazing movie — you must go see it!
— Ellen DeGeneres
P.O. Box 2781, Sidney
British Columbia V8L 5Y8 Canada